



2014 - the year of opportunities?
There we go, a new year with new possibilities. Yet, I am confused. Right now, I feel like a complete mess, no longer sure of anything. This year has so far been quite a mixture of emotions. And right now, I am just trying to clear these emotions. Clarity is exactly what I need. But I am sure it'll come to me, eventually. It'll work out, eventually. Just wait and see.

This is a picture of the winelands we went to during our time in South Africa. The scenery was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
Idag känner jag såhär:
Jag är riktigt trött på plugget. Riktigt jävla trött. Pluggar dag ut och dag in. Det är så mitt liv ser ut för tillfället. Och vad får man ut av det? Bättre betyg? Jo, kanske. Men hur mycket man än pluggar, räcker det endå inte. Man kämpar med att plugga inför ett prov, pluggar bättre än aldrig förr. Känner sig hyffsad nöjd. Hur gick det på provet då? Förjävligt i relation till hur mycket energi och tid provförberedelserna har tagit. Så varför, varför utsätter man sig för det här? Varför pluggar jag ihjäl mig? Nej, det är inte bra. Det är inte bra för oss. Jag mår inte bra utav det. Det är många som håller med, det vet jag. Gränsen är nådd.
Skoltrött tjej.
mitt nya objektiv

last couple of days

2. Today I was at the "Kunskap & Framtid mässa" in Gothenburg. Frankly, it was quite inspiring. I might want to study Architecture or Technical design at Chalmers. Although, you need a lot of points to get in. We'll see. I also became inspired by the Volunteering opportunities there are in Africa and South America. I would love spending time and energy with helping out in countries in need.
vem bryr sig, livet är meningslöst, natten är vacker, du är som natten

It was this cold today. Freezing. Life is going on, school is... a handful righ now. But most likely I will survive. What else? Jakob's shaved his beard, a beard which I fancied a lot. It had a nice feel to it. Other than the beard, not much has changed. Life is slowly (or rather rapidly) moving on. Soon it'll be December, which means, loads of final exams, but also, Christmas. Although, my family and I are going to South Africa during Christmas time. Hoping for an amazing trip to a country I havn't explored before.
the actor has an important role in the movie ... *giggle*
Sometimes, a movie can be terrific, all thanks to the actor. I have a lot of favourites, here are some of them.

history is only one fucking thing after another

I sort of kind of didn't have anything to take a picture of. So, here is my hairoil, it is for my hair. I use it for my hair. It is good for my hair. My hair appreciates my use of this hairoil. I apply the oil after I've showered my hair. So after I have applied it, my hair feels good. Because, this oil, ladies and gentlemen, is good for my hair.
Great story, seriously though. School's started and I want another break, haha. Kbye.
Something I dislike, is when people you know act differently depending on the situation. Some days, they talk with you as friends do. Other days they can completely ignore you, as if you were a stranger. They won't even face you. It's really shitty if you ask me. They appear so insecure, not knowing what to do and therefore ignore, because it's easier (?). As if they're "too cool to say hello". I mean jeez, are you kidding me?
And then we have those lovely people who don't change depending on who they're hanging out with at the time being. Those who says hi when passing you by, because that is what friends or acquainted do. Those who don't make an effort in being someone they're not. More of this, thank you.
complexes - we all have them (?)
Here we go.
We people tend to see all the negatives about ourselves. Definitely when it comes to our own bodies. My breasts are too small. My thighs are too wide. My belly sticks out. My breasts are too big. My face is full of pimples. My hips are too wide. My ass is too small. I am not good enough. I am not good enough.
Some of us stop eating unhealthy food. Some of us stop eating food in general. Some of us begin to jog on a regular basis. Some of us start exercising at the gym. Some of us cover our faces with make-up. Some of us hide underneath a mask of insecurity, because that's what we've become. Insecure. Insecure with ourselves.
I admit that I exercise and jog on a regular basis and preferably stay away from unhealthy food. And it makes me feel good. It makes me feel good about myself. I somehow feel like a better person, a healthier person, and I enjoy the healthy lifestyle.
But what I believe is of high importance here, is to remember the reason why you're doing it. Why are you eating the carefully chosen food in front of you? Why are you kicking your butt at the gym? Why are you putting all that make-up on your face? Is it for you, or for them? As long as you do it because you want to and not to make anyone else happy, I reckon it's nothing else but great.
I believe people around you see you as more beautiful than you can ever imagine. All those complexes we've got, I bet our surrounding don't even notice them. So, as a wise man once said; Don't worry, be happy.

You're as beautiful as the moon and sky.
"either way, it's going to be one hell of a ride"
I woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning, and went to Skövde with Moa and Louise to play some seriespel. I played like shit, seriously speaking, it was a catastrophe. I was embarrased of my play. Okay, enough of that, at least I played way better in the double thank God.

Yesterday evening me and Jakob watched "Gravity" with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Yes, Sandra and George are a couple of friends of ours, so we went to the movies together. (I wish)
We'd heard that it apparently was a great movie, so why not watch it. I'd say, the movie was short, which isn't a bad thing really. You know when watching a 3 hour long movie in cinema or wherever, you tend to become uncomfortable where you're seated or the movie appears as too long and it becomes boring to sit and watch it to the end. Second of all, the movie was brilliant. It was different and I loved the scenery, impeccable scenery. Absolutely a movie worth seeing.
We'd heard that it apparently was a great movie, so why not watch it. I'd say, the movie was short, which isn't a bad thing really. You know when watching a 3 hour long movie in cinema or wherever, you tend to become uncomfortable where you're seated or the movie appears as too long and it becomes boring to sit and watch it to the end. Second of all, the movie was brilliant. It was different and I loved the scenery, impeccable scenery. Absolutely a movie worth seeing.

rebound effect
Yesterday evening, me and Ellen went to late night shopping in Alingsås. It was rainy and dark but the level of cozyness was high. In many stores there were sales, and in many stores there were free drinks and snacks. We had a great time, and I bought 3 pillows (hihi). Ellen bought a lot of stuff. She ended up carrying plenty of bags, wondering where they all came from. I catched the train at nine o'clock. Lovely evening. Here below you can see the different pillows I bought;

I am soon about to walk my way to Linnea. It has stopped raining now. Oh, it just strucked me that it's November now. Time lapses faster than the speed of light. That's a lie, though.