Mace Windu Lightsaber - Working In Background

Autumn break and all its benefits

My very last autumn break has just begun. I have longed for this break, I really have. No homework to do or essays to write. The feeling of freedom and a week off from all the stress and scheduled up life you have as a student. Enjoy this week, fellow friends. 
My autumn break will start of with a Högskoleprov tomorrow morning 'til afternoon. Never done it before, so it will be interesting. Other than that, I've bought a new camera lens for my...wait for it.. camera. (shocking, I know.) It is a Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 DX II, wide-angle lens. Brilliant for landscape-photography, but also architecture etc. It seems like a great, sharp lens. I can't wait for it to arrive. 


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