Mace Windu Lightsaber - Working In Background

butterfly effect

Sometimes, your day doesn't turn out quite the way you imagined it to. You may wake up slightly miserable by the fact that you actually have to crawl yourself out of bed because of your lack of sleep. Then you see that it's all grey sky and rainy outside, which doesn't make it better. But then you make your way to school and things change. That one person says hello or people around you just spread their energy and joy and you feel how you're one lucky bastard. 
And then, we've got that other version. Your day doesn't turn out quite the way you imagined it. You wake up, after an eight or nine hour sleep, which most certainly suffice. You feel good, great as a matter of fact, and almost dance out of your bed, heading for the kitchen and what it has to offer. A massive breakfast later, you watch an episode of your favorite serie just before you're off to school. Make your way to school, smiling at the people you pass by because you're on top of the world. And then, small, unsignificant things really, just bugs your mind. People, rain, actions, thoughts, and these things turns your day around - for the worse. 
Well, that is a sort of day I've had. Of course I am overreacting. Nothing to do here bye. 


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