Mace Windu Lightsaber - Working In Background

Mother's be like "lelelellelele"

Hello there bloggen.
I just came home from a weekend in Forsvik, because that is where the Ferreira family nowadays are living. They have a lovely three storage house there, painted in sky-blue. Forsvik is quiet, oh so quiet, and I love it. Göta Kanal right in the middle of it all. Yes, the scenery is beautiful. We had a great time, seeing them for the last time, for this time, that is. In a couple of weeks, they'll be off to South Africa again. 
Anyway, we laughed a lot, like we always do, being silly. We skated in the dark, around in Forsvik, on the mainroad. I know it is dangerous as hell, since it was pitch black and the cars most certainly couldn't see us, but it is a good road to skate on. And oh how beautiful it was with the moon and the mist covering the fields. It was a delight. We slept up in the enormous attic. I want an attic like that (though it was sort of cold during night). We also went for a 2 and a half hour walk in Trollskogen. Mysterious, dreamlike, mesmerizing forrest. I took some photos this weekend, some of which are down below; 
So glad I do have these beloved, crazy childhood friends. 


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