Mace Windu Lightsaber - Working In Background

it's raining rain

I've thought a lot about my future lately. Kids my age have decisions to make. You see, we are about to finish Gymnasiet. And after that, we no longer have strings attached. Some of us will continue studying right away, some of us will wait for a year or two. Some of us will simply stay home and perhaps work at a café, some of us will travel to a new country. Whatever path you choose to take, will define the rest of your life. Whether you go abroad or stay home or study directly or not, it will affect you. Of course it is an important decision, and therefore it comes with pressure. And it isn't easy, for this fear of making the so called wrong decision arises. But is there a wrong decision to make? I mean, you decide for one path, and if it feels completely wrong, you could just veer at the next turn off and take another path. I reckon one chooses what feels right at the moment, and if you regret your decision and really want to make a new one, do so. 
Here is a picture totally irrelevant to the topic above. 
A new hand lotion from Body Shop. Loving it big time. So, the storm St. Jude or whatever her name is was supposed to go crazy tonight. No, no signs of it. Except for the massive amount of rain we had before. Good night. 


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