a thousand miles

As you might know by now, my dream is to travel around the world someday. Therefore, I thought I could mention which countries that top my list. Here we go.
♥South Africa - one of the most beautiful countries in the world, from what i've heard. Fortunately, I am going there this winter. Lucky me ay.
♥India - One large country with a completely different culture and nature compared to Sweden. A country I'd enjoy exploring. I reckon there's a lot you can learn and absorb while in India.
♥South America - Chile, for instance. Incredible scenery.
♥Canada - Also, the nature. And the stillness.
♥Roadtrip through the states - The road. People. New places. States. Yes thank you. I lived in North Carolina once. I was young. Can't remember shit really. Though I remember one thing, me and mum sitting in a window eating bread. Yes, it is true. Detailed memory of importance that is.
♥Roadtrip through beloved Australia - I have seen parts of Australia already, and there's nothing negative about this country. (Well, except for the highly deadly creatures living there.) Adelaide is where we lived and where I've spent most of my time when in Australia. The Gold coast is another explored area in Oz. But I'd love to roadtrip along the western coast, from the south to the north, and then make my way to Ayers Rock, Uluru.
♥New Zealand - The country of impeccable nature and mother to the LOTR movies. No more to say.
♥Cuba - This preserved part of the world which I've heard most lovely things about, tops my list.
♥Scottland and Ireland - So close yet so far away. Deep. Nah but would love to embrace the abundance of green fields and sheep in either Scottland or Ireland. Or why not both?
♥Italy and Switzerland - Eat pasta and pizza in Italy, stroll around amongst the beautiful architecture and the medditerranean atmosphere. Also, see the mountains and stillness in Switzerland.
♥Africa and Madagascar - The most down to earth places in our world? Become inspired of the citizens and animals. These places certainly top my list.
♥Iceland - One of our Scandinavian countries, whose nature, with mountains and geysers, seems lovely.

A little map in my room.
I bless the rains down in africa

A not-so-brilliant photo of Jimmy the dog. I love this black and white dog. Although he barks an awful lot, he is caring, adorable and a patient listener in need.
Oh man, now it's raining. I was just about to consider a walk. Nevermind, maybe it'll clear up soon enough. Later on today, i'm off to Alingsås to go visit my dear friend Ellen. Good thing, that is.
On a side note, I want my newly bought camera-lens. I have rather high expectations on the quality of it etc. You know, I have a Nikon D3100. And I enjoy my camera. It has a lot of pros and cons. It may not be the best camera, with its 14,2 megapixels and a pretty restrained amount of functions. But I love it because it's petite and easy to handle. And, in the right conditions, you can take great shots with it. For now, that is enough.
it's raining rain
I've thought a lot about my future lately. Kids my age have decisions to make. You see, we are about to finish Gymnasiet. And after that, we no longer have strings attached. Some of us will continue studying right away, some of us will wait for a year or two. Some of us will simply stay home and perhaps work at a café, some of us will travel to a new country. Whatever path you choose to take, will define the rest of your life. Whether you go abroad or stay home or study directly or not, it will affect you. Of course it is an important decision, and therefore it comes with pressure. And it isn't easy, for this fear of making the so called wrong decision arises. But is there a wrong decision to make? I mean, you decide for one path, and if it feels completely wrong, you could just veer at the next turn off and take another path. I reckon one chooses what feels right at the moment, and if you regret your decision and really want to make a new one, do so.
Here is a picture totally irrelevant to the topic above.

A new hand lotion from Body Shop. Loving it big time. So, the storm St. Jude or whatever her name is was supposed to go crazy tonight. No, no signs of it. Except for the massive amount of rain we had before. Good night.
Autumn break and all its benefits

My very last autumn break has just begun. I have longed for this break, I really have. No homework to do or essays to write. The feeling of freedom and a week off from all the stress and scheduled up life you have as a student. Enjoy this week, fellow friends.
My autumn break will start of with a Högskoleprov tomorrow morning 'til afternoon. Never done it before, so it will be interesting. Other than that, I've bought a new camera lens for my...wait for it.. camera. (shocking, I know.) It is a Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 DX II, wide-angle lens. Brilliant for landscape-photography, but also architecture etc. It seems like a great, sharp lens. I can't wait for it to arrive.
carpe diem
The people closest to you tend to be the ones you have highest expectations on. They mean the most, therefore every little action they make, affects you. You make a bigger issue out of it, which leads to problems. And these problems, these problems are not to recommend. Of course smaller issues does count as problems, they do. Jeez, I need a break. I need, one long, howly and never-to-forget break. I keep nagging about going abroad, seeing the world. And I should. I should follow my dreams, you all should. Whatever your heart sets for, go for it. Or else, you'll most likely regret it big time. And, frankly, we only have one life to live, why not make the most out of it? Carpe diem, Seize the day ye? Yes, that would be my motto. A hell of a good one, if you ask me. Perfect. I need you all to seize the day. Stop the whining and the small-issuing. Stop the putting-energy-into-insignificant-things. Freaking breath, people. We need to stop and breath more often. Breath.
One thing, I know that I'm not, is a ship in the dock

Do you know what I want?
Me neither. Well, somedays, I would love being an Architect. Creating new homes for various people. Homes reflecting their personality. Other days, I would rather sit around at home, doing nothing. Although that thought isn't as tempting as another one of my dreams. My dream of being a backpacker. Well, more or less travel the world. Capturing nature at its best, exploring different cultures etc. Of that, I am sure.
Me neither. Well, somedays, I would love being an Architect. Creating new homes for various people. Homes reflecting their personality. Other days, I would rather sit around at home, doing nothing. Although that thought isn't as tempting as another one of my dreams. My dream of being a backpacker. Well, more or less travel the world. Capturing nature at its best, exploring different cultures etc. Of that, I am sure.
We've had a lot going on in school lately, but soon, oh so soon, we'll have an autumn break. Thank God. And tomorrow awaits a late start. You've got to love 'em.
Before, while taking my dog for a walk, I came up with the perfect occupation. Imagine working for a travel agency, taking pictures of different places and events and whatnot for them. You would have the opportunity to travel a lot aaaaand take beautiful pictures of nature and different types of cultures. YES THANK YOU.
walking my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home now
Today was one of those Mondays, and when I came home at around five thirty, I studied Physics. I am, seriously speaking, writing my longest, tallest and furthest (hih) physics report in history. Never in my life, has a report been this complex as this one. Sounds dramatic doesn't it now.

Other than that, I am concerned. I'm not quite sure which date Haloween is this year. It should be the 31:th of October, but we Swedes set all different dates for that holiday don't we now. Maybe not.

Oh, we watched some really peculiar film on the English lesson. "History boys" , I think. Good though, funny.
"be strong", I whispered to my wifi signal
Since I havn't taken any photos with my beloved camera lately, I thought I could upload some random pictures from my Iphone;

1. Kids on their way home from celebrating Simon. 2. Tree. 3. Tree + road + lovely autumn leaves. 4. Bad picture of a rather nice hairstyle.
So, for your consideration, it turned out there wasn't any tennismatch for me today, and no, I hadn't been informed. Well, I didn't mind (not playing, that is). Now I shall leave you to it.
you can't do everything, but you can do anything
The day after yesterday,
that'll be today, aight?
Okey, enough of that bullshit. I am feeling good right now, which is a good thing, I reckon. Yesterday, I went to Jakobs' house, and at about ten, we went to Simons' house. Oscar and Philip came, and we walked to the station 23:02. You may be wondering, why are we doing this? Why are we going from home to home, place to place? ... So, Simon was turning 18 at 00:00, aaand we were to celebrate it with him! We met up with Alexander, Simons' brother from another mother (and father), and we went to Chez Amis. We drank champagne, celebrated and then drank some more. We had a great time, really. I enjoyed myself, and so did the boys. A night to remember.
And, today, soon, I have to play a tennismatch in Alingsås. Not sure how that is going to work out, playing with a slight hangover and all, but ay don't be negative. Cheeeeers.
simple as life
After school today, I went to Gothenburg with my very special friend, Ellen. She's a good special, you know, unique, weird as I am and we can talk with eachother about anything. So, yes, we had a great time. I bought some öronpuffs, Ellen didn't buy the tigerbeanie which suited her most impeccably. I bought a very fine jumperthingy, which I've already fallen for. After some shopping, we went to Starbucks and talked and laughed and fikade. This was a good day indeed.

Bild på fina Johanna och Ellen från i somras.
butterfly effect
Sometimes, your day doesn't turn out quite the way you imagined it to. You may wake up slightly miserable by the fact that you actually have to crawl yourself out of bed because of your lack of sleep. Then you see that it's all grey sky and rainy outside, which doesn't make it better. But then you make your way to school and things change. That one person says hello or people around you just spread their energy and joy and you feel how you're one lucky bastard.
And then, we've got that other version. Your day doesn't turn out quite the way you imagined it. You wake up, after an eight or nine hour sleep, which most certainly suffice. You feel good, great as a matter of fact, and almost dance out of your bed, heading for the kitchen and what it has to offer. A massive breakfast later, you watch an episode of your favorite serie just before you're off to school. Make your way to school, smiling at the people you pass by because you're on top of the world. And then, small, unsignificant things really, just bugs your mind. People, rain, actions, thoughts, and these things turns your day around - for the worse.
Well, that is a sort of day I've had. Of course I am overreacting. Nothing to do here bye.

I've had three major tests in less than one week, and now, I can finally breath. And it feels great. I am longing for this coming autumn-break. But first off, I am longing for a good nights' sleep. Lately, I have been easily woken up in the morning by the slightest noise I hear, which has shortened my beautysleep. Tomorrow however, I have a late start starting at 12:10. I will make the best out of this, and most likely have a good nights' sleep.

This is Cyprus. Yes, of course I miss it.
three hours and eleven minutes later
Linnea and I'd planned on taking a long walk this weekend, and so we did. We walked all the way to Hemsjö, past Ingared, Norsesund, and back to Västra Bodarna. It took us just around 3 hours, and it was quite exhausting. It turned a bit chilly the last hour or so, which made it a delight to come home. Here are a few pictures from our walk;

It's Saturday evening. You may think that I should go out, do something fun. No, I'm just going to sit here, all by myself this evening. Maybe do some study, because I need to. Maybe watch some Packed to the Rafters, because I need to. I'm such a looser. Hah. But I like evenings like these, all by yourself, taking it easy.
att hinna göra annat och sånt där
My Wednesdays are comfortable and convenient. With one lesson, I leave for school at 9:30 and come home at 11:50. Such a delight for me. Well, as you can see, I made a smoothie when I came home ↓

Most certainly looks delicious doesn't it now? I mixed one banana, some frozen berries, some cocos (coconut flakes or whatever they're called in English) and some milk. It became a success and I enjoyed it - yummy in my tummy. Unfortunately, the mixer thingy leaked, which I didn't notice until after I'd mixed it all into a geggamojja. But no further damage was made, and we are now in recovery, safe and sound.
Also, a couple of weeks ago I ordered a new Iphone case for my.... wait for it.... for my Iphone. Aaand I received it yesterday..! It is gorgeous, brown leather with pockets for your train-card/credit-card/library-card (who am I kidding, nobody uses library cards anymore). Here it is ↓

I am compelled to finish my studies now. Cheers.
My dear we're slow dancing in a burning room
John Mayer, thank you for your music. Your voice is so precious, there's nothing like it. Your guitar-play is beautiful, more than beautiful, there's nothing like it.
This morning when I woke up, I thought it still was nighttime. But ay, it was 07:00, and yes, it was pitch-black. Well, maybe not pitch-black, but the sun surely hadn't risen at the time.
School was ok. A long day with many lessons and fatigue. I appreciate people who actually go onto my blog and read my nonsense, altough you may not care at all times.

Sometimes I want to escape, discover new places. Meet new people and have coffee at a random café with strangers surrounding me. Listen to conversations that other's are having, try to understand their point of view. Become inspired by new places and cultures and fantastic people and ordinary people. Be a backpacker in a foreign country. Climb the mountains, drink fresh water from the rivers, walk by the longest shores, watch the sun go up and the sun go down again. Feel peace. Feel composure. Feel alive.